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Rockets join with CancerFree KIDS to fight pediatric cancer

Rockets join with CancerFree KIDS to fight pediatric cancer

Over 60 Rockets participated in the CancerFree KIDS Night for the Fight, raising money for pediatric cancer research and honoring families affected by cancer.  As part of the Leadership Team, juniors Addy Must and Ellie Suttles worked with CancerFree KIDS to help lead hundreds of high school students in this inspiring all-night event filled with games, food, dance parties and speakers.

Addy said, “I wanted to volunteer for Night for the Fight because of the impact that cancer has had on people in my life that are important to me. I wanted to work with others that have the same goal as me, creating a fun environment while raising money and awareness for pediatric cancer.”

The event is hosted by CancerFree KIDS and is largely planned by the high school student leaders. Students are chosen for the team out of hundreds who apply based on their outstanding leadership skills and work ethic. Team members must also have big hearts and a passion for making a difference.

Ellie said her favorite part was “learning our ‘hype’ dance that we performed before the dance party and bringing energy into the event to make sure that everyone was having fun.”

The event raised over $288,000 to help fund pediatric cancer research at both Cincinnati Children’s and nationwide Children’s Hospitals. One team of McNicholas students, “Cool Kids for the Cure,” bonded together as the top walk/run team of the night with over 97 miles in just a couple of hours. Senior Cooper Steuer was the top individual for the second year in a row, walking almost 33 miles.

The night was full of dance parties and activities, but also reflection to honor kids and families affected by pediatric cancer.

McNicholas staff member Mrs. Jenni Tumser shared, “The most moving piece for me was watching the strength of senior Valeria Melendez during the reflection walking up to add a light in honor of her sister Sophia whom she lost just a few short months ago to pediatric brain cancer. I was in awe of her and in true ‘bonded together’ fashion, Valeria had many senior girls accompany her in support of this moment.”

Class of 2023 alumni Maggie Durham, Maggie Evans, Shelby Highfield, and Molly Weiging also volunteered at the event.

Leadership Team members Addy and Ellie

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