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Pete Collopy named Sports Performance Coach of the Year

Pete Collopy named Sports Performance Coach of the Year

Congratulations to our Sports Performance Director, Pete Collopy, who was named 2024 Ohio State Coach of the Year by the National High School Strength Coaches Association (NHSSCA).  

Coach Pete, certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, was selected from among the top coaches across the state and will receive an award certificate and recognition at the NHSSCA National Conference in Texas on June 20.

“Coach Pete is super driven, and it makes him good at driving others too,” freshman volleyball athlete Emma Laudeman said. “He’s charismatic and supportive and knows how to push us to be our best.” 

Coach Pete’s program supports the athletic development, student well-being, and peak performance of all our student athletes. It is designed to give students the training that they need to be safe, successful, and competitive. 

“My mission is to maximize athletic potential by building qualities that allow athletes to excel in their sport and carry the attributes beyond athletics,” Coach Pete said.

He was nominated for the NHSSCA Award for his success in accomplishing this mission and for the impact he is having on our student athletes.  

“Coach Pete came to McNick my sophomore year and immediately changed the culture and environment of the weight room," senior basketball athlete Andrew Ehlers said. "It's just a night and day difference. He has helped me to become the athlete that I am today.” 

Our Sports Performance Center continues to grow under Coach Pete’s guidance; a recent renovation expanded the indoor training area and added 2,500 square feet of outdoor conditioning space. The renovation included upgraded Sorinex exercise equipment, additional weightlifting racks, a fueling station, a jump mat to measure vertical jumps, a timing system to measure top speeds, and new turf for the extend outdoor space.  

“Coach Pete is great at supporting recovery in the training that I do and helping to prevent injury,” freshman volleyball and basketball athlete Tessa Calcitrai said. “He helps all of us to be better athletes.”  

To learn more about Coach Pete and the McNicholas Sports Performance Program visit  


Athletes gather around strength and conditioning coach
Male athetes workout
Athletes gather in a huddle in weight room
    In Memoriam: Sr. Judi Keehnen, CSJ

    It is with deep sorrow and gratitude that we mourn the passing of Sr. Judi, a beloved member of the McNicholas community for more than five decades. Sr. Judi’s life was a testament to service, faith, and dedication to the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph.  Her legacy will remain forever imprinted on all who were fortunate enough to know her.