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Big Read for Summer 2021: What the Eyes Don't See
McNicholas is excited to announce the Big Read for Summer 2021, What the Eyes Don't See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance, and Hope in an American City by Mona Hannah-Attisha. This school wide-read will be used across all four grade levels and across the curriculum at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, particularly in English and science classes.
What the Eyes Don't See is the inspiring story of how Dr. Mona stood up for the children of Flint, Michigan in the midst of the devastating water crisis. Dr. Mona worked with researchers and community leaders to discover lead in Flint’s tap water and to fight to protect the children who were being harmed by it.
Dr. Mona said, “Challenging injustice means standing up for the weak, the vulnerable, the abused, and the forgotten—be it in health, employment, education, or the environment. It means being vigilant on behalf of people who are treated as pariahs and scapegoats, populations that are dehumanized, displaced, and treated as disposable. It means fighting oppression at every opportunity—no matter the place or country.”
Please see these summer reading details for specific information about the assignments as well as additional reading requirements for honors and AP courses.
The world shouldn't be comprised of people in boxes. Minding their own business. It should be full of people raising their voices, using their power and presence, standing up for what's right. Minding one another's business...that's the world I want to live in.
Dr. Mona Hannah-Attisha from What the Eyes Don't See
Congratulations to the athletes who participated in our Winter Signing Day on Feb. 5, 2025 to celebrate their intent to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level.
McNicholas students celebrated Catholic Schools Week with a school-wide day of service. This Day of Christian Charity is just one example of the McNicholas commitment to enthusiastic giving and serving our neighbors in the spirit of the Sisters of St. Joseph
Congratulations to seniors Tyler Munzel and Katherine Noble who have been named Captain and Maid of Honor of the 73rd annual Mardi Gras Ball. This announcement officially kicks off the Mardi Gras season at McNicholas which culminates in the annual Mardi Gras Pageant on Sunday, Feb. 16.